Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Best of: Visualization Books

"Hey, DVA! I want to learn more about data visualization, can you recommend some good books on the subject?"

Absolutely! Data visualization has a rich literature and there are many great books to choose from! Here are our top 6 favorites:

1. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information - Edward Tufte (2nd ed, 2001)
Perhaps no other book is as sacred in the world of data visualization. Tufte is the master, the godfather, the grand poobah of Data Visualization. Every data designer, business intelligence guru, or data scientist should have this classic on their shelf.

2. Semiology of Graphics -  Jacques Bertin
A bit older, but no less classic. Worth a read in the original French if you can, but just as good in translation! Now some more modern books, that will become classics...

3. The Functional Art - Alberto Cairo (2012)
A useful book, from a modern data hero (1 of 3)

4. Data Visualization: A Successful Design Process - Andy Kirk (2013)
A useful book, from a modern data hero (2 of 3)

5. Designing Data Visualizations - Noah Iliinsky
A useful book, from a modern data hero (3 of 3)

6. Visual Strategies: A Practical Guide to Graphics for Scientists and Engineers -  Felice C. Frankel and Angela H. DePace 
A good starting point for many, discusses evolution and design of data visualizations ranging from astronomy to biology and back again.

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